Creythone Pte. Ltd. is based in Singapore and specialises in vibration analysis and related services, particularly in respect of rotating equipment such as motors, pumps, mixers, and compressors. Our personnel have all the required certifications and years of experience in this field.
Examples of the services we provide include:
– Vibration analysis as part of condition-based monitoring / predictive maintenance.
– Laser shaft alignment.
– In situ fan balancing.
– Repair and overhaul of rotating equipment.
– Ad hoc / one-time vibration analysis.
– Rental of equipment (e.g. vibration analysers, laser shaft alignment instruments).
Vibration analysis refers to the measurement and analysis of vibration data (e.g. displacement, velocity and acceleration), in order to monitor and advise on the condition of machinery and equipment as well as the possible required maintenance and remedial actions.
Vibration analysis is an integral part of condition-based monitoring / predictive maintenance (which is based on determining the condition of machinery and equipment while in operation). Such monitoring / maintenance is dependent on the fact that most machine components will provide some warning or other indication (e.g. significant increase in vibration or specific patterns in vibration spectra) before they fail, and in fact, it is often possible to determine the likely fault condition. For instance, the existence of particular patterns in vibration spectra can indicate whether a machine suffers from misalignment, unbalance, rolling element bearing wear/defect, looseness, etc.
The potential benefits of condition-based monitoring / predictive maintenance include: (a) less downtime; (b) reduced expenditure for spare parts and labour; (c) greater certainty of proper alignment and overall integrity of the machinery / equipment; and (d) reduced likelihood of catastrophic failure (thereby increasing worker / plant safety).

Creythone Pte. Ltd. is a strong proponent of the importance of workplace safety and health, and has attained bizSAFE Level 3.